Staggering numbers of children are dying from illnesses that can be prevented. Most of them in the first years of life. Every year, 5.2 million children under the age of five die from preventable causes.
Marginalized children are the victims as they lack access to quality healthcare, such as vaccines, medicines, or nutrients. This is a true fact in poor and deprived areas, where the challenge of keeping children alive is heightened.
Girls and women often lack access to care or information during pregnancy, labor and the postnatal period. They struggle to access health services or be denied an education that would protect them from unwanted pregnancies.
We work to raise awareness among the people. We work to help the sick and ill people. Our healthcare sector is always working to give a proper care to the poor and deprived people specially girls and women.
Swimming for life is a way where you can donate to provide a better healthcare to the deprived people. You can help people get healthy. You can make someone smile. You can end one’s pain and anguish.